Edited by Hugh Fogelman



Let’s get the time line correct. Until the printing press was invented1 in the 15th century, the Catholic Church forbade Christians to read the “official/canon” Christian bible−their New Testament (NT). Until then, all Christians knew of their bible was only what the clergy would tell them. The Christian pulpit controlled the minds of their “flock.”

The pulpit would read from the NT to their “captive” audience, all the Jew bashing that the NT authors, editors and copyist wrote. Since the Church leaders said it, the sheeple (Christians) thought it so; that it must be correct.

Week after week, month after month and year after year, these captive listeners heard:

How Jesus suffered at the hands of the Jews who wanted Jesus killed; and that

Not only did Jesus suffer from the Jews, so did his “believers” (disciples).

All this suffering supposedly happened because Jews did not obey their laws and were always forming angry mobs to stone to death anyone who they disliked. This is found right in the New Testament; see the examples below:

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee,”  (Matthew 23:27 and Luke 13:34 KJV)

“…all the people [Jews] will stone us” (Luke 20:6)

“Then took they [Jews] up stones to cast at him” (John 8:59)

“Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.” (John 10:31)

“His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee” (John 11:8)

“…they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned.” (Acts 5:26)

“…cast him out of the city, and stoned him…And they stoned Stephen” (Acts 7:58-59)

“And there came thither certain Jews …and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city” (Act 14:19)

Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, (2 Corinthians 11:24-25)

Since the advent of Christianity the clergy and other church leaders, having been constantly taught the above and much more, were fueled by these thoughts and would tell the people such as shown below:

(Pope) Clement I: (year 101 CE) blamed the Jews for Nero’s persecution of the Christians.

(Saint) Justin Martyr: (year 116 CE) that: “The Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians.”

Tertullian of Carthage: (150-225 CE)Only those who were baptized [Christians] and followed the prescribed course of penitence could hope for release from punishment” and “Divine revelation, not reason, is the source of all truth.”

Quintas Spetimus Florens Tertullian: (160-230 CE) Latin Church Father who bruited that: “The Jews formed the breeding ground of all anti-Christian actions.”

(Saint) Hippolytus: Roman Priest (170-236 CE) “the Jews were receiving and would continue to receive God’s punishment for having murdered Jesus.”

(Bishop) Cyprian: (200-258 CE) A pupil of Tertullian. “Outside the Christian Church, there is no salvation.”

Origen: the greatest theological scholar of the early church. ‘On account of their (the Jews) unbelief and other insults which they heaped upon Jesus, the Jews will not only suffer more than others in the judgment which is believed to impend over the world, but have even already endured such sufferings.

Eusebius of Caesarea: The first historian of the Christian Church (265-339 CE); “the Jews would be destroyed by fire and the city would be inhabited no longer by Jews.

(Saint) Hilary: (315-367 CE)The Jews as a people who had always persisted in iniquity [sin] and out of its abundance of evil glorified in wickedness.”

(Saint) Gregory: (330-395 CE) got his material from the NT – “The Jews slayers of the Lord, murderers of the prophets, adversaries of God, men who show contempt for the Law, foes of grace, enemies of their fathers’ faith, advocates of the Devil, brood of vipers, slanderers, scoffers, men whose minds are in darkness, leaven of the Pharisees, assembly of demons, sinners, wicked men, stoners, and haters of righteousness.”

(Saint) John Chrysostom: (344-407 CE) The strongest attacks on Jews and Judaism by the Church Fathers are found in the homilies of Chrysostomin his Antioch sermons.

(Saint) Augustine of Hippo: (354-430 CE) Church Bishop and Father of the Roman Catholic church who characterized the Jews as ‘willfully blind to Holy Scripture, lacking in understanding, and haters of truth.’ Further, he affirmed: ‘The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus.’

St. Jerome: “...serpents, haters of all men, their image is Judas ... their psalms and prayers are the braying of donkeys..”

St. Thomas Aquinas:  “It would be licit to hold Jews, because of the crimes, in perpetual servitude, and therefore the princes may regard the possessions of Jews as belonging to the State”.

(Saint) Ambrose: (340 CE)  He defended a fellow Bishop for burning a Synagogue at Callinicum and asked: “Who cares if a synagogue -- a home of unbelief, a house of impiety, a receptacle of folly, which God himself has condemned -- is burned?”

(Pope) Valentinian III: “I do not wish Christians to serve such persons, lest by their office they find occasion to corrupt the venerable Christian’s faith.”

(Emperor) Justinian: (527-564 CE) Author of The Justinian Code which negated civil rights for Jews including loss of Synagogue, loss of reading the Hebrew Bible, loss of social gatherings, and loss of holiday celebration [Passover].

(Pope) Gregory VII: He was the Pope (from 1073-1085 CE) who forbade Jews to have power over Christians and forbade them to hold office.

(Saint) Bernard of Clairvaux: Eleventh Century medieval saint who was partially responsible for the Crusades that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Jews.

(Pope) Innocent III: In 1205 CE he announced: “God is not displeased, but, rather, finds it acceptable that the Jewish dispersion shall live under Catholic kings and Christian priests. Because of the Jews intolerable sin I will be your [Jews] Lord since imperialist authority opposed everlasting servitude on the Jews from ancient times as punishment for the Christ-killing.”

(Pope) Gregory IX: Italian Cardinal (1170-1241 CE) who, in 1233, announced to the Dominican order that their main goal was to “convert Jews to Christianity.”

(Pope) Sixtus IV: Italian Pope (1414-1485 CE) who encouraged and approved of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s (Spain) expulsion of the Jewish Community.

(Pope) Clement VIII: Italian Pope (1536-1605 CE) who professed that: “All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor.” 

(Pope) Paul IV: His “Cum Nimis Absurdim” (1555 CE) was a powerful condemnation of “Jewish usury.” It embodies a legal code to curb “Jewish power”.  

(Pope) Pius V: Counter-Reformation Cardinal (1504-1572 CE) who disclosed his views on Jews in ‘Hebraeorum Gens’ (1569) when all Jews were expelled from the Papal States.

(Pope) Gregory XIII: He was the Pope from 1572-1585 CE who declared that the Jews‘ continue to plot horrible crimes against Christians with daily increasing audacity.’

This is what uneducated ChristianS heard from their pulpit for over a thousand years. These horrible, evil thoughts about Jews were imbedded into their brains. Then the printing press was born and thousands of Christian bibles were produced, and the Christians could now read for themselves.

Keep in mind, with the seed of anti-Semitism subliminally implanted in their mind, whenever Christians read their bible, they would read what they already knew from the pulpit―just how evil the Jews were; the children from the Devil. The Christian mind-set was formed. Their written bible only confirmed what the pulpit had been telling them.

Then Martin Luther, the founding father of Protestantism wrote pamphlets on how to get rid of those “damn Jews” after finding out that he could not convert them, telling Christians to “burn their (the Jews) synagogues; destroy their homes;  and their rabbi’s must be forbidden under threat of death to teach.” For complete details go to: MARTIN LUTHER .

Then Hitler came along! The seeds of hate where already planted. All Hitler had to do was to water it. Hitler’s job was made easier by the New Testament, the book of CHRISTIAN LOVE.

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions." -Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)


1.  Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450 C. E.