What Would Muhammad Do?
(a checklist)Now includes Jewish and Christian Biblical positions!
Would Muhammad...?
Hebrew & Christian Bible Positions
Muslim Source
Have sex with a 9-year-old girl?
Talmud OKs child sex at age 3 plus one day!
Advocate beheading?
Hebrew Bible drowns the whole world, babies, women and animals too
Require women to
cover their faces?
Orthodox Jews advocate almost burka like dress in Israel
Befriend Christians and Jews?
Jews do not mix with gentiles or enter their churches
Own slaves?
Torah OKs this for Jews
Marry his daughter-in-law?
Jews can marry sister-in-laws!
Approve of prostitution?
Judaism hates prostitutes and advocates killing gay men
Recommend wife-beating?
Domestic abuse is not automatic grounds for Jewish divorce.
Hit his own wife?
Rabbinic courts often force women to return to their vicious husbands or lose their rights
Kill prisoners of war?
Kill Them All in the Hebrew Bible.
Advocate suicide attacks?
Kill apostates?
Permitted in the Hebrew Bible too.
Tell sick persons to heal them-selves by drinking camel urine?
Dumb, but urine is sterile and harmless
Beat children who don’t pray?
Hebrew Bible Says to Kill Rebellious sons
Have eleven wives?
(at one time)
Judaism and Mormonism permitted
Jesus deliberately lied, see John 7:3-12
Enslave women and children?
Permitted in the Hebrew Bible too.
Stone adulterers to death?
Permitted in the Hebrew Bible too.
Torture a man out of greed?
God condoned torture - the crucifixion
Consider men and women
equal partners?
Not in any Abrahamic Religion or Derivative
Yes, Jesus has followers steal animals for him to ride
Kill someone for insulting him?
Hebrew bible says to kill the blasphemer Lev 24:13-16
Preach love for people
of all religions?
Hebrew Bible says to kill those who teach about other gods
Extort money from
other religions?
Hebrew bible says to kill heathens and take all they have.
Keep women as sex slaves?
Hebrew Bible OKs keeping women as spoils of war - as slaves forever
Force conversions to Islam?
Jews forced all of their male gentile slaves to be circumcised.
Commit acts of terror?
Hebrew God kill millions of babies, children, women and men
Kill a woman?
Hebrew God kill millions of babies, children, women and men
Capture a woman and rape her?
Permitted in the Hebrew Bible too.
Encourage the rape of women
in front of their husbands?
Hebrew bible says kill women who are not virgins on their wedding night (Deu 22:20-21)
According to Allah [Invisible Man in the Sky] (speaking through Muhammad, of course) Muhammad is the most "beautiful pattern of conduct" and "example" for mankind to follow (Qur'an Sura 33:21)!
Judaism claims the Torah — 1st five books in the bible ― is nothing less than the basis and objective of all existence. It is said "God looked into the Torah and created the world. The Jew looks into the Torah, and sustains the world." (Zohar)
"The greatest miseries that have afflicted the human race have had their origin in this thing called religion." —Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Original Source: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/WWMD.htm